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Six Stars Renovation


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Address:2/ 1397 Albany Hwy, Cannington, WA


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Six Stars Renovation is a one stop established boutique bathroom design and renovation company in Perth, Western Australia. We offer the full range of bathroom renovations, from initial consult through to complete project management.

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    Verified Oneflare review

    07 Aug 2015



    Job Type: Bathroom Renovations

    Location: Beckenham, WA

    Generally, the tiling and general appearance of the bathroom is great. We love it. It’s proved very practical and suits us well. The plumbing guys seemed quite good, had a great sense of humour too. The wasn't any delay at all with getting the job started. Six Stars were the most expensive quote we received but elected to go with them because their estimate included everything from start to finish. It was also great to speak directly with Flora, a designer, who could take our ideas and translate them into action. Flora was, at all times, professional and accommodating. Attention to detail was perhaps lacking in some areas and black scuff marks (apparently scratches) were left on the large white tiles. To be be fair, Flora and PK offered to replace the affected tiles but, by this stage, the renovation was complete and we just wanted our bathroom back! A hole in the exterior wall (created by the removal of the previous plumbing) is still exposed. We were quite disappointed in the paint job in the WC. We expected a level of preparation (filling gaps/cracks, sanding back to smooth, taping off of timber window frame, removing screws etc) that just didn't happen. The initial paint coverage was shoddy, becoming 'just enough' after we had the guys come out for another attempt. In hindsight we shouldn't have had Six Stars touch the WC. The sub-contractors made free use of anything within reach to get the job done. We had bricks (we'd been collecting for paving – recycled red ones that we'd cleaned by hand!) used to chock up the bath and other bits before it was fixed in place. A bath towel we'd left on the line ended up with concrete 'splashes'. Our (domestic/garden) wheelbarrow was commandeered and collapsed underneath the weight of the materials that were removed during demolition. The 'holistic' approach of the same company providing everything from skip bin through to cleaner (and everything in between) was what sold us on using Six Stars. The skip bin was fine. The cleaning job wasn’t particularly effective. The drawers of the wall-mounted vanity were full of saw dust, the window sill wasn’t touched, there was grit and smears of sealant on the tiles. The cleaner used our toilet paper (and not much else) to clean the bathroom. We have a great bathroom, Flora did a fantastic job of realising our aims and intentions. We feel that perhaps some of the contractors working with her weren't up the same standard. Essentially, our bathroom works and we're happy enough with the final outcome.

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