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Ninis Hospitality



81 747 237 198

Business contact details

Address:302 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, VIC


Opening hours


9:00 AM – 11:30 PM






9:00 AM – 11:30 PM


9:00 AM – 11:30 PM


9:00 AM – 11:30 PM


9:00 AM – 11:30 PM

Business description

Nini’s is Melbourne’s newest rooftop bar and restaurant which seats 265 guests in the best environment for indoor and outdoor dining in Melbourne, with the Middle eastern and Mediterranean menu to match. The team behind this hidden gem draw their inspiration from the herbs, spices and cooking secrets of Greece, Turkey, Italy, Iran, and Lebanon to bring you generous portions of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean heaven, matched with a bar full of cocktails and wine. You may have been forced to put your European and Middle Eastern holidays on hold, but the tastes and flavours are all there at Nini’s. The sharing plates are executed by an amazing team and a superb venue with views of Hawthorn’s historic rooftops that has a very European feel about it. Signature small dishes like char-grilled octopus, zucchini fritters and saganaki with wild Iranian fig purée, lead into large plates of delightful slow-roasted lamb shoulder served with smashed potatoes and Moroccan-spiced pork skewers with pickled cabbage. The dishes meld fresh produce and age-old techniques, with a nod to the region’s cross- pollination of flavours and styles. The bar serves up exotic cocktails like the Turkish Delight, a highly Instagrammable number made with pink gin and garnished with fairy floss, through to the classic and summery Mojito. At Nini’s you’ll be sure to experience where the Mediterranean meets the Middle East.

Accepted payment methods


American Express

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Direct Deposit

Direct deposit

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